October 16, 2016
We returned
from our road trip Tuesday afternoon. I had given Sankar Sat-Tues off while we
were gone. He worked on Tuesday then left for his village and didn’t return
until Saturday. During that time, Rahul and I tried to keep things together
here. I washed our clothes daily by hand and ironed, something I do enjoy doing
as long as it isn’t a basket full. Rahul quickly swept the floors and mopped a
couple of rooms daily. I dusted the table tops in the living area and cleaned
the glass table tops. Not too much work but also it wasn’t up to our usual
standards with Sankar gone. I did not bother to hand wash sheets and towels. I
tried that once when I was a hippie in my youth and quickly realized it was not
my cup of tea.
Today Sankar
announced he got divorced from Hosha, his second wife. And that she has
remarried. Can you really get a divorce in less than a week here? I have no
idea but I also know that Sankar is not a truthful person so I no longer
believe anything he says. Sankar never bother to divorce his first wife before
marrying Hosha so who knows how all that plays out. The phase ‘what tangled
webs we weave’ comes to mind. Anyway he seemed quite happy and relieved to be
done with her. Frankly it was a good move on his part because she was an anchor
around his neck. She didn’t work. He said he would come home from work and she
had not prepared any meal for him nor had she cleaned the apartment they lived
in. She stole money from me and she took money from him and bought saris like
there was no tomorrow. No wonder he smiled when he told me she was gone from
his life. They had been married less than a year. He also said she has
remarried. Keep in mind that she left two weeks ago. Like I said I don’t
believe a word he says. According to Rahul who was divorced before remarrying
and he said you need to get proper paperwork and lawyers and appear before
court to get a divorce. I truly think Sankar has told yet another untruth.
On Friday
Asopalav Society where we live held their annual garba, a dance festival
associated with Navratri, the nine day festival. Much work went into decorating
and setting up the garden where is was held on the property. Our garba had been
cancelled last week due to the rain but we had a perfect evening on Friday this

So at 8:00 we
went next door to have Kamla help be with my dupatta, a very long scarf because
it is draped in a very specific way in the front and back for this festival. We
took photos with Kamla and Dayal whom we always call by his last name, Badlani.
We walked over to the garden which is
very close just after 8:00 and hardly anyone else was there yet. We stood for a
while and were introduced to various people as they came into the garden. Since
the Badlanis have lived here for 16 years and he has served as president of the
society for 12 years, everyone knows them.
Around 9:15
things got going and the first order was to do the ritual blessing which is
part of this festival. Many candles were lit and placed in a shrine with a
picture of the Hindu goddess Durga. The blessing included singing and waving a
brass tray of votive candles. The tray is passed around to anyone who wishes to
participate. We were invited to do this. So each of us held one side of the
tray and waved it in a circle several times then passed it on.
afternoon the gas company came by for an inspection and told us we needed to
change the hose to the gas cooker that sits on our kitchen counter. Only two of
the three burners work because this is an old cooker. The last time a tech
looked at it he told us he could not get replacement parts. So I have been
cooking with two burners only for months. Kind of tricky some nights. Anyway
when Ron took off the old hose to attach the new hose a part broke. We went by
the store that specializes in gas stove parts three times over the weekend but
the shop was closed. Today Rahul is trying to find a replacement part but if he
can’t find one we will purchase a new cooker and deduct it from the rent. It
has been two days since I have been able to cook anything. We went out to eat
Saturday night and Sunday for lunch. We had enough leftovers to get through the
weekend but after lunch today we will be out of cooked food. Never a dull
moment in this adventure.
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