July 4, 2016
We are now up
to 84% humidity and 101.2 degrees. Oh yeah Baby! We are talkin’ HOT and HUMID! Yesterday we had a 4th of July
party. All guests were Indian because we don’t now any one else here. Six of
the guests were neighbors: the Badlani’s next door and Dev and Priti across the
green. We met Dev on our daily walks and he is a walker also. We had tea with
them one afternoon a couple of weeks ago. They are our age. Dev was so taken
that we would celebrate our Independence Day here that he came over earlier in
the week to take our photo for his Facebook page. Then yesterday they showed up
at the party with this
lovely floral
arrangement with roses and a great flyer their grandson had made on his
computer. We were quite touched. 
I took the
leftovers to Ron’s office for his ‘lunch bunch’ which is Ron and five women who
share the office space. I stuck around and joined in and it was fun. Merci is a
great tease so she and Ron have fun teasing one another.
Today I think
the monsoons really did arrive. It has rained off and on all day and I haven’t
turned on the AC since returning from lunch. I have all the doors open and the
fans going so I can enjoy the fresh though heavy air. I also assume the rains have
cleansed the air but I am not sure how that works with rain and air pollution.
The temp was 94 and humidity was 90%. Somehow it felt cooler so perhaps the
temp dropped this afternoon.
I was so
excited when I found Fuji
apples here as they are a favorite snack; then last night at the party someone
was talking about how there is arsenic in the apples here. I don’t have enough
information to know if I am eating those apples or not but I think I had better
check that out! So far the only organic products I have seen are things like
dried beans, black eyed peas, rice and canned tomatoes.
I woke up at
4:30 this morning and never went back to sleep. This afternoon I took at short
nap on the couch, my fave nap spot. I
have to laugh at myself because so some reason when I nap on the couch here I
frequently wake myself up snoring. Oh the joys of aging! Afterwards I went out
to the veranda and was reading my ebook and saw monkeys so got up to take
photos. I got one taken when Ron arrived home so I turned the camera over to
him. I find it difficult to hold the camera for long due to the arthritis in my
fingers. He go some great shots. I never tire of watching these guys. Today two
of the babies were having a hay day swinging on some wire attached to the
neighbors house. It was hilarious.
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